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Greater Columbus Area in the Lead for Next Computer Chip Factory

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The greater Columbus area is said to be in the running for what is its biggest economic development prize of all time: a major computer chip-making operation. It has the potential total investment of tens of billions of dollars.

Great Columbus: Massive Economic Development Project

There are state and local officials which is along with those from JobsOhio have that have officially declined to comment. However, the rumors are constant for months. Therefore, It would be a huge economic development project. In fact, it would potentially come to the region including a computer-chip factory.

Also, the Greater Columbus could, in fact, be running for an operation that comes as no surprise to John Boyd. It is a principal of the Boyd Co., which is based in East Coast state and city. That would provide site-selection services to some of the nation’s largest companies.

Region’s Workforce, Low Energy Costs and Private Sector’s Ties

The skillset of the region’s workforce, low energy costs, and the private sector’s ties did Boyd cite. It is connecting to institutions such as Ohio State University as reasons the region is attractive.

“Moreover, there are hundreds of billions of dollars in chipmaking operations are coming to the U.S.,” he said. “Also, said the Columbus market fits nicely into this narrative.”

In Columbus’s development, there are ten projects which could shape Columbus for decades to come.

Great Columbus Area: Annexation Agreement

On January 4th, the local city council that did vote 6-0 to enter into an annexation agreement with the regional township for the property. Also, this is bounding by the local county line.

Thus, there is no use for the property which has been identified. Moreover, this is what officials have stated publicly. In fact, the land is part of the growing local International Business Park.

A massive shortage of chips represents global supply-chain problems. It is to create long delays for consumers to be able to buy everything from cars to appliances.

Also, there is currently, only 12% of the world’s chips in the U.S. It is down from 37% in the 1990s. This is according to industry officials. It is about 80% are making in Asia.

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