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Council Orders Mask Mandate to Maintain Low COVID-19 Exposure

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Council in a Midwest state has passed an ordinance that requiring that people wear masks in public indoor spaces. That would be regardless of their vaccination status.

Council Ordinance “Trumps” Executive Order

In fact, this ordinance does replace the executive order. It was signed by Mayor Andrew Ginther on Friday. Then, it will go into effect once Ginther signs it. On Friday, Ginther’s mask mandate order is still in effect.

Everyone ages 3 and older is what the order does apply to. This is according to the city council in Columbus, Ohio. There are exemptions to this order. It will include anyone with medical or behavioral conditions that prevent them from safely wearing a mask.

COVID-19 is on High Alert Status

“The COVID crisis is compounding right now, thus affecting too many families and children,” said Council President Shannon G. Hardin. “The goal is to respond responsibly. In fact, the council is taking action. In fact, we only win against the disease if our businesses and residents do their parts. This is to mask up and get vaccinated.”

Moreover, city buildings, offices, retail establishments, bars, restaurants, and public transportation are just a few of the locations where people are going to be requiring to mask up under the order. 

There will be a citation given to businesses and organizations that fail to comply by Columbus Public Health, the mayor’s office said. 

In fact, people who are actively eating, drinking, engaged in sports, or who are giving a speech to a large audience are not requiring to wear masks at the time of the event.

The best way to keep people safe, according to the mayor is wearing masks, along with getting vaccines.

Employing a strategy we know can slow the spread of COVID-19 is about keeping Columbus safe and open for business. This is what Ginter said when he first announced the order on Wednesday. “Moreover, we do need to step up and do more for our neighbors in this crisis.”

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